Stories From The Field

  • Eleanor Sterling and PM

    A short video on the use of PM from Eleanor Sterling, Chief Conservation Scientist, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History.

  • Flint, Michigan and Participatory Modeling

    A short video on use of PM from Renee Wallace of Food Plus Detroit and Doers Consulting

  • Dealing with deep uncertainty

    What is deep uncertainty? And how can scenarios help deal with it? One of the ways we handle unknown unknowns is by using scenarios. Scenarios are stories about the future, meant to guide our decision-making in the present.

  • Uncertainty in participatory modeling – what can we learn from management research?

    I frequently struggle to explain how participatory modeling deals with uncertainty. I found useful guidance in the management literature.

  • Participatory processes and participatory modelling: The sustainable procedure framework

    How can we resolve debates about participatory processes between proponents and skeptics? What role can participatory modelling play in improving participatory processes?

  • Art and participatory modelling

    What can art contribute to participatory modelling? Over the past decade, participatory visual and narrative arts have been more frequently and effectively incorporated into scenario planning and visioning workshops.

  • Models as Narratives

    I interpret the world through the stories I create. My interpretations of these stories are my own mental models of how I view the world.

  • Serious gaming: Helping stakeholders address community problems

    Serious gaming combines technologies from the video game industry - mystery, appealing graphics, etc., - with a purpose other than pure entertainment, a serious, problem driven, educational purpose.

  • Responding to Stakeholders

    We share lessons from an exciting, five year project in the UK entitled the Sustainable Uplands.

  • Towards an evaluation framework for participatory modeling

    A first step in developing an evaluation framework for participatory modeling is to establish criteria for processes, outputs, and outcomes. Such criteria would answer a basic question about what it means when we say that a participatory modeling process, output, or outcome is good, worthy, or meritorious.